- Causality: Dialogues between Machine Learning and Psychology (Tuesday, April 18)
Kun Zhang, David Danks, Felix Wichmann
Room: El Veril - The Theory of Generative Adversarial Networks (Tuesday, April 18)
Sebastian Nowozin, David Lopez Paz
Room: Drago-Adeje - The Data Science Process (Tuesday, April 18)
Joaquin Vanschoren, Alessya Labzhinova
Room: Caleta - Data Efficient Reinforcement Learning (Thursday, April 20)
Carl Rasmussen, Marc Deisenroth
Room: Drago-Adeje - Fairness and Privacy in Machine Learning (Thursday, April 20)
Isabel Valera, Borja Balle
Room: El Veril - Uncovering the structure of complex data: progresses in machine learning and causal inference (Thursday, April 20)
Michel Besserve, Christina Heinze-Deml
Room: Caleta
Full Schedule
Day 0 April 17 (Monday)
Registration and Arrival
19:30 Conference Opening & Welcoming Cocktail
Day 1 April 18 (Tuesday)
Workshops Day
09:30-11:00 Morning Session 1
Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Morning Session 2
13:00 Lunch and Afternoon Activities
18:00-20:00 Afternoon Session
Dinner slot (attendees to self-organise)
Day 2 April 19 (Wednesday)
Single track symposium
09:30-10:10 Probabilistic Deep Learning - Stock Take 2017
10:15-10:55 On Possible Relationships between Episodic Memory, Semantic Memory and Perception
11:00-13:00 Coffee Break and Posters
15:00-15:45 Data Science using the Wolfram Language
16:00-17:00 Panel Session
Dinner slot (attendees to self-organise)
Day 3 April 20 (Thursday)
Workshops Day
09:30-11:00 Morning Session 1
Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Morning Session 2
Lunch and Afternoon Activities
18:00-20:00 Afternoon Session
Conference Banquet