Room: Conference room 5
09:15-09:30 Opening remarks: Welcome and introduction to ELLIS Health
09:30-10:45 Overview talks by ELLIS Health fellows to cover three main health application areas
10:45-11:15 Coffe Break
11:15-12:00 Keynote: What does the clinician really want from Machine Learning?
12:00-13:00 Short talks by guests or ELLIS Health fellows
Pan-cancer computational histopathology reveals mutations, tumor composition and prognosis
Quantifying tumors in clinical image data
Uncertainties in diffusion MRI
13:00-16:00 Lunch
16:00-16:20 Long-term Alzheimer’s Disease Forecasting by Predicting Latent Representations
16:20-17:10 Keynote: Machine learning based protein and small molecule design
17:10-17:30 Coffe Break
17:30-18:30 Short talks by guests or ELLIS Health fellows
Genomes and AI: From Packing to Regulation
Accessible and affordable primary care - some research challenges
Quantifying tumors in clinical image data
18:30-19:00 Discussion/Closing