Registration Desk

Andrea will be in the reception area of the Hotel Taburiente Playa for registration at the following times:

  • Thursday 9th April: 17:30 – 18:30
  • Friday 10th April: 08:30 – 09:15


Full Schedule

    Day 0 April 9 (Thursday)

    Registration and Arrival

    19:00-20:00 Pre-dinner drinks, Reception and Conference Opening

    20:00 Dinner (for those booking half pension in the hotel)

    Day 2 April 11 (Saturday)

    Single track symposium

    DALI Symposium April 11 (Saturday)

    9:30-10:00 Small-scale Mobile RoboticsMetin Sitti, MPI Stuttgart

    10:00-10:30 Probabilistic Programming; ways forwardFrank Wood, University of Oxford

    10:30-13:00 coffee and poster session

    13:00-18:00 lunch and individual activities

    18:00-18:30 Probabilistic Numerics — Uncertainty in deterministic computationPhilipp Hennig, MPI Tübingen

    19:00-20:00 Panel DiscussionThomas Hoffman, ETH Zurich, Ralf Herbrich, Amazon, Alex Graves, Google DeepMind, Yann Le Cun, Facebook AI Research, Bernhard Schoelkopf, MPI Tuebingen, Neil D. Lawrence, University of Sheffield, Zoubin Ghaharamani, University of Cambridge

    20:00 Dinner